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Ever wanted to go out and buy a Pizza but put it in the Freezer so you can have it later? Well now you can, thanks to me.

Step 1:

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees (Aussie metric system here guys)

Step 2: 

Take the Pizza out of the freezer, extract it from it's packaging, you can use a knife or just use your hands it's pretty easy.

Step 3:

Put it in the Oven on a tray for about 15 minutes, be sure to check on the dot, because the difference between cooked and burnt is only a few minutes with something so thin @ 180 degree's.

Step 4:

Take Pizza out when ready, cut it if you will, and then eat it.


And there you have it, now you have one of the life skills needed to move out of home.