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POE said:
Areym said:
POE said:
Areym said:
POE said:
platformmaster918 said:
POE said:
I think the presentation was a little disapointing. For now i´ll stick with my Wii U that hopefully will have a bunch of new games by the end of the year.
The PS4 is not an option.

why isn't ps4 an option?  I'm getting WiiU in 2014 and PS4 this year

You should buy the Wii U this year and the PS4 next year.
And the PS4 is not an option because it´s the same FPS box but with better graphics, and for that i have a PC.

Assuming FPS = first person shooter in the context of your post:

You're kidding. Like, you are honestly kidding. You're joking with us, it has to be for somebody to say something to blatantly...wrong.

Im not.
But you can do whatever you like. You can keep playing the same games with the same control for the rest of your life.
I like to try new experiences.
And NO, better graphics and a SHARE button are not what i´d call "new".

The same games? The SAME games? PlayStation has had many new games out this gen. New worlds, new experiences, new characters, new stories. I'm sure you know the list but the PlayStation consoles have never been "FPS" boxes, or at least the PS3 was not. Nintendo has also had many new IP during the Wii but you cannot honestly talk about PlayStation having the same games with Mario and Zelda still knocking around.

Both of those franchises have critically acclaimed games and deserving of every award, but they are as ancient as gaming itself and they are still the most prevalent of the Nintendo franchises.

Now you tell me how does a tablet "revolutionize" gaming? I'm all ears, I really wanna hear this one. 

Im sure you haven´t tried the Wii U gamepad. You should.
But again, you are free to do as you like.  If you wanna keep doing the same thing until you die, that´s your choice.

Wow. Truly outstanding and detailed response. Thank you. 

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian