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Kasz216 said:
Munkeh111 said:
To be fair to him, out of the top ten wii games, 8 are 1st party, and out of the top ten PS3 games, only 4 are 1st party (inc Ratchet)

{this is completely ignoring the fact that the top ten wii games have sold a lot more than PS3 games, and there are probably more 3rd party wii million sellers than PS3 million seller}

Maybe. PS3 might of reached Wii though with it's large number of Sports games and Racers that the wii didn't get iterations of, or did yet the versions were crappy/late.  Seems like Europe will get nearly any racing game like 70-80% to 1 Mil.  That and the two soccer games probably put it on par with the wii. 

Though that seems irrelevant to most game development as sports games and racing games are basically a different market from most games. Sports games have their own casual fanbase that gets overlooked... I guess because of Madden Nation on ESPN? But i mean there are groups of gamers and sports fans who buy 360's for nothing but Madden machines. Which i'm guessing is dragging down their attach rate a bit.

Next time I buy sports games i'm going for a PS3/PS2 version. Motion controls just don't interest me in team sports games... aside from foul shot minigame... which would be infinitly better then the "Press the both control sticks at the same time" minigame.

Well, Í never liked Tennis games, but I'm absolutely going to buy Top Spin for Wii. And Pro Evo Wii is supposed to be the most hardcore football game ever. So I think sports games can have a great furure on Wii. But you're right about the racers. They're more graphic driven, so will never be a core genre for Wii.