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theRepublic said:
Kaizar said:
kitler53 said:
Acevil said:
kitler53 said:
i think this is great. if anyone can make sonic relevant and good again it's nintendo. if valkyria chronicles went nintendo exclusive i'd be pissed.

Just wondering based on two situations. What if, it did go exclusive, but it actually got localized instead of .... well not, or Nintendo funded the whole project and basically it would not been made otherwise. 

(Personally people shouldn't follow consoles, they should follow games!)

based on the fact i live in n. america and the project rainfall fiasco..  i very much doubt that a new VC getting localized is going to be highly influence by nintendo. 

I'm pretty sure that VC 3 not getting localized was due to VC 2 doing terrible in the west and VC3 not doing very good in the east either.  honestly, i can't disagree with sega's decision... VC3 would have done terrible in the west as well. will any other VC not on a home console regardless of how good the game is.  the west just doesn't give handhelds much respect.

The West has always respected handhelds. But only Japan respects the PSP and no country respects the PS Vita.

Huh?  Handhelds have always been the second class citizen in the West.  Most westen gamers seem to consider them as for kids, and the top western developers don't even bother with handhelds.

Japan loves handhelds since they use a lot more public transportation.

The handheld sales are better then home console sales in America.

Plus I always see every college student play a DS in public, and now 3DS. I rarely see an adult with a PS Vita & PSP, especially in comparison to how often I see people in their 20's with a 3DS.

The only people I see with a PSP are no older then 6 or 7. The only people I have seen with a PS Vita are only a few people in their 30's & 40's.

The comment section on Internet sites seems to be the only place where what you say might be the truth, but there are over 320 million Americans, and not that many comment on the comment section of these kind of sites, it seems to consist of a lot of Europeans on American websites.