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TWRoO said:

This is from the first Japan predictions.



104,576 97,723 92.99%
93,924 69,511 64.88%
41,080 39,676 96.46%
52,980 69,655 76.06%
7,617 6,108 75.29%



I think our confusion came from these numbers: why show us the accuracy of the average prediction, which may be way too high (PS3) or way too low (Wii Play) just by chance?

I've got it now, the number used for our earnings is in fact the REAL average accuracy (the sum of all the accuracies divided by the number of players), which will give half the players a winning bet, and the other half a loosing bet... which makes sense...

That's the number we should see written in that column, everything would be much more easier to understand then...



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