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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Capulous said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:

MS has America in a vice grip because of marketing not because of substance. Kinect only had a hanful of games to back it up from 2010 to 2012. America is not loyal to anyone including Microsoft, so theres nothing to fear of a little bit of competition. Media services wont sway Sony steam rolling them. They need to support the Kinect and the 360 or they are finished. SImple.

I agree that America is not loyal to anyone, but MS has America because they have the games America wants. From first to third parties they have games that cover all genres. They are doing fine and will continue to. There are plenty of games from retail to LIVE Arcade that many people enjoy. 

America isn't raving over Xbox Live Arcade, gamers are. They were raving over Kinect (just like they did the Wii) because it was it was "new tech" but of course it wasn't. The Eyetoy resurfaced the motion control effort but Sony really just creates things and doesnt market them (they need to stop that mentality). Its like that really talented kid in art school who makes so many things he does have the time to let people see it so he just gives it away. Microsoft invested a ton of money into internal studios and failed hard during the first Xbox, they came back and said we'll give less market the sellable product and make more money. Sonys first party became stronger because they got into the practice of making more games, but they are naturally better at making games than Microsoft in-house. They will definitely need to make some changes for next gen.

I'm not seeing the point here. Gamers are raving over Xbox LIVE arcade games is a good thing, right? Gamers are people who support the Xbox and what MS has the Xbox for. That is a good thing.

There is plenty of marketing for Sony products, there is no lack of marketing on Sonys end. They may not spend as much on marketing, but they do plenty of it.