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Indeed, how did the others end, can't remember either. First frequently asked question on imdb is: How does the movie end... Memory refreshed, not a spectacular ending.

Apocalypto is good for eye candy. One of the early blu-rays that looked really good. There is not much for story, a lot of running pretty much.

Still the same mixed feelings about Cloud Atlas. The story in the far future is the most interesting, but it feels cut short. The one in 2144 has potential but never reaches it. The further back in time the more boring and cliched the stories get. Maybe that was an intended progression as well...
It's worth a rental for the editing and makeovers.

Yesterday I watched Home (2009). There was a thread about it couple days back. Worst voice over ever and a load of preachy nonsense. First 70 minutes, we all suck, we're destroying the earth, the 20% are ruining the earth for everybody, the remaining 80% is paying the price. Last 15 minutes, I've seen the light, if we all put solar panels on our homes and buy sustainable food we'll be fine.
Well sorry that doesn't solve anything about 7 billion people not being able to all live at the level of luxury we're accustomed to and most people aren't willing to give up. Nor oil running out or the coming water shortages from disappearing glaciers, exhausting fossil water supplies, and changing weather patterns.
Yeah just stick a solar panel on the roof and buy free range food, everything will be fine...