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This is from the first Japan predictions.



104,576 97,723 92.99%
93,924 69,511 64.88%
41,080 39,676 96.46%
52,980 69,655 76.06%
7,617 6,108 75.29%


  actual my
115,000vg$ 5 97,723 82.32%
95,000vg$ 5 69,511 63.33%
45,000vg$ 5 39,676 86.58%
65,000vg$ 5 69,655 93.32%
6,500vg$ 5 6,108 93.58%

All you need to know is if you had a better accuracy than the average then you made a profit for that game/console

so for PSP and 360 I made a nice profit, but for DS is lost a bit, and failed on both Wii and PS3.
I think ioi is now implementing a multiplier of 1.1 or something, which means you can in fact be slightly less accurate than average and still make money, so I would have been profitable on the DS too (though not much)

Edit: ignore the italics because I was using the accuracy of the average prediction, instead of the average accuracy 


If you want to work out the accuracy before the tables are updated simply get the difference between your prediction (or the average prediction) and the actual numbe, take it away from the actual, then divide by the actual and multiply by 100.

So for the Wii:
115,000 - 97,723 = 17,277

97,723 - 17,277 = 80,466

80,446/97,723 = 0.8232043 *100 = 82.32 (2.d.p)