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I agree in some ways. While Microsoft has made major innovation in the terms of online gaming, they also are completely responsible for the presence of "hardcore" gamers that play games more based on source material than gameplay. This is the reason I prefer Nintendo and Sony over Microsoft. They also charge for online service among other things. This is a main reason Nintendo and Sony aren't doing as well as they could in America. Some ignorant western gamers that don't want to play Mario or LBP because it's viewed as "kiddy".

It's a sad day in gaming. But they're more important things happening in the world right now; Third parties are killing the Wii U, African kids are staving, and not to mention Asians and their never ending pursuit to not look Asian. Yep, all the World's ills, sitting on chrome 24-inch worlds.

3DS I.D : 3282-2755-4646

I make bad threads.  

SSB really went downhill after Melee....

Manlet Crew