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fillet said:

I thought you were laying out a rhetorical question to me, that obviously I couldn't answer.

I was basically just saying, the guy has a technical background so he'd have used that knowledge ot make the untechnical sounding statement.

Everyone else was doing the character assasination thing.

Not sure why hypocritical, I was just making a differential between character assasination -> technical assessment.

Trouble with how things are these days, people in a professional position can't give their true off the cuff opinion on anything. He doesn't work for PR, people should welcome the open voice.

Let's face it, even if Criterion hadn't produced a better NFS:MW and DF hadn't verified it as slightly technically suprerior, the same people would be calling this guy incompetent purely because he's insulting a games console. I can't exactly prove that, but the knee jerk reaction most posts here reek of is just silly and smells of "I hate EA".

*I'm not and wasn't calling you childish, it was one supposition that could explain the posts of the nature denouncing the guy. Just saying, on the one hand you have a guy who has rudely voiced his opinion based on technical background, then on the other you have forum members on VGChartz who for the most part are baselessly, using no reasoning whatsoever to call this guy incompetent.

Granted, later on people referred to Criterion - even that isn't accurate though, since Criterion has a vested interest and any of their opinions can't be used to counter a "real world" comment. The only evidence worth anything to counter is the DF analysis of NFS:MW which validates Criteron's claims. Still, that's one developer and one game.

Is that enough to say this guy is talking out his arse?...Maybe it is, but I take exception to the fact most were saying this without even thinking of the word "Criteron" as can be seen by a quick scan through the comments. Some people talking like HE was upset or angry!?

So yeah, it is defensive. It's much better to be analytical about all this.

Frozenbyte also exceeded the PS3 and 360 with Trine 2: Director's Cut on Wii U, and said it would have to be downscaled to work on those systems.

Shin'en confirmed that Nano Assault Neo does things PS3/360 can't.