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Soundwave said:
SxyxS said:

I think nintendo is just now paying the price for ignoring competition hardware and internet-wise.this is not microsofts fault.


Oh yeah I don't want to give the impression that Microsoft is in the wrong here at all. They're not. They've made an honest effort and deserve whatever success they have.

Nintendo deserves a lot of the fault for their issues.

That said, I still feel like the GameCube was a pretty darn good effort that went largely underappreciated and pushed Nintendo into a direction that I and I think a lot of other people didn't like.

So just from *that* POV, I can't help but wonder what the game business would be like today if MS wasn't around. No offense to XBox fans.

i'm no xbox fan therefore i don't care.maybe i was until moore left but i never really trusted them-not because of the box but because of ms destroying and buying competition with windows for decades and i worry they can try to repeat it with console gaming-and they have the money.I'm 100% against monopoles,especially us-style.But sometimes you need a monopolist to fight another one( to fight google)

But if you also think that nintendo deserve what they get and that gamecube was underrated you may have chosen a different headline for this thread



imo gamecube was never as great as n64 therefore i don't understand why you likee the system that much.

n64 had wave race,1080,mario 64,dk 64,oot,iss,golden eye,perfect dark,turok,ki,blast dozer etc etc.innovative,reference,sometimes revolutionary

gamecube was for me=great controller ,good graphics and pikmin .(mario sunshine can't hold a candle to m64 and galaxy)I bought so few games for this system that I still tend to think that grabbed by the ghoulies was a gamecube game instead xbox as it looked so "nintendo".