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Just found it interesting. I find clarity is even more important than intelligence, when it comes to communication.


The article is clearly about the death of microsoft. If I hadn't alluded to that in the title, would you have even clicked on another post called "The death of HD-DVD" I certainly wouldn't. The more people that read this, the better, because it's informative, imo. I could care less if I have to allude to the articles contents to do so.

You won't see me post many negative articles on this forum, but I found this one particularly interesting, not because of its negative comments about MS, but instead, because of the explainations that it gives about why the death of HD-DVD is better for the industry, all around, because it removes required taxes for use of MS proprietary software, which lowers industry costs all around and allows for a more open use of the hardware, not to mention the fact that the Blu-Ray actually holds more data than the HD-DVD.

Of course, it did turn into a fanboy anger management thread, which I regret, however, I stand by the fact that the article can't be dismissed, and contains valuable information for those open-minded enough to take it with a grain of salt.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.