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There are two angles to look at this argument:

Example 1:

1) Fetus is NOT a human
2) Gender Equality

Shouldn't men have the "equality" to choose whether or not they wish to have and support a baby? Women should have the choice to say what to do with their body, and men shouldn't be allowed to force them into anything. However, the man should have the right to pull out of the relationship entirely and the woman to understand that this eventual baby is hers to take care of. There is no gender equality when women have the only say in parenthood.

Example 2:

1) Fetus is a human

This is murder and he should be locked up. Sorry, but sexual intercourse is what makes human life. If you are having sex, you need to realize that there is always a possibility of creating a human (even if you pull out. Even if you wear a condom. Even if she is on the pill). When you decide to have sex, you are making a conscious decision and you have to bear the responsibility of your actions. Grow the fuck up.

On a side note, I will just throw it out there that I believe all men should be castrated as babies and that the "ability to create human life" should be given back at an adult age when the man is proven to be healthy and can provide for a baby. There's simply no way to control people's behaviors and there will always be accidents and tragedies with pregnancies. That's why instead of trying to change people, we have to restrict the idiocy of their action's results.