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I remembered this was a question I asked myself as a child which series had the more futuristic stuff, I know they were two completely different shows but I was a child. Now that I just watched Into the Darkness the question just popped back into my head again. Now I remember when I was little I always favored Star Wars (who didn't want a light sabre).But the last two Star Trek movies really won me over and it really makes you feel  that your watching an adventure way ahead of our time and technology, it doesn't help that George  Lucas really butchered the last set of Star Wars movies.

Now my question to you is which series shows off a more advanced civilization in terms of technology, intergalactic relations between planets and different species and overall coolness. Star Trek has stuff like teleportation (I cannot recall ever seeing that in Star Wars although I could be wrong) and Star Fleet and whatnot, while Star Wars has  Light Sabres and the Galactic Federation and all that stuff.

Now which series for you has always given off that future space age vibes more?

My 3ds friendcode: 5413-0232-9676 (G-cyber)