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RolStoppable said:
Status update after about two hours.

Difficulty: Normal
Characters used: Chrom and Kim (female avatar, asset: magic, flaw: luck)
Characters dead: None
EXP gained for characters that are not Chrom or Kim: 0
Classes for Chrom: Lord, Great Lord, Paladin
Classes for Kim: Tactician, Tactician, Grandmaster, Grandmaster
Permanent stat boosters (including boots) used: None
Money spent: 0
Chapters played: Prologue, Chapter 1-25, Final
Time played before starting Final: 1:37:53

So the challenge has been completed in approximately one hour and 40 minutes. I stopped killing all enemies after chapter 13, because it felt like a waste of time. Marth had to retreat from battle in chapter 6. I think I used five vulneraries and one elixier. All of those in the early stages of the game.

Huh. That was...quick.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.