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I just wish they would announce the which shit console this shit game was coming out on and we could all stfu about it, because I'm sick of it being a source to use to flame the Wii or the PS3 which I own both!

Which one do I hope it comes out on? Wii, because Wii needs the 3rd party support more.

Which game will it probably come out on? Rumors say Wii, but who the hell knows what Square-Enix does, they're Japanese, they could can the series tomorrow for all we know.

They've changed consoles in the past, but I doubt they'll make an announcment until E3 at earliest. Either way, the Wii WILL get some more SE games, and so will the PS3. Japanese is the SE's main audience, and they can't ignore either userbase, because one is their loyal fans, and the other is amazingly huge and growing much faster.

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.