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I watched Cloud Atlas tonight.

An interesting movie, standing ovation to the make up artists. All the cuts back and forth while looking for the connections kept it interesting. The whole is better then the sum of the parts, yet that's not entirely a compliment. The individual stories were a bit lacking for me, not a lot of originality to be found. It looks beautiful though, great art work.

Had the stories been of the same caliber of say Babel, the movie would have been a 9 for me. It's closer to a 7.5 as it is. Maybe edging to an 8 when I notice more of the subtle connections on a repeat viewing. Although at almost 3 hours that will have to wait a while.

The blu-ray has one of the ugliest menu screens I've seen, but at least it has some good extras which give you a glimpse of the mathematical madness with which the movie was put together.