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My Thoughts:

The Lead designers for Nintendo really thought up some great IP's and have a great studio which can make them work really well. However these same lead designers are getting old, and are really out of ideas. I mean the guy who invented Metroid is dead, and Miyamoto is in his 60's with no plans to retire.

Nintendo really needs to abandon the old Japanese tradition of "Elders know best" because there is lots of fresh blood in Japan which is capable of making excellent new IP's, and Nintendo really needs them. I mean I'm happy Retro Studio's is now managing Metroid, but I want to see them make their own IP.

That said, Nintendo is a great company. I almost abandoned Nintendo consoles when Wii came out, all the games I liked were sequels to Gamecube games, and nothing new was really pushing me to get a Wii, but I eventually caved in for Pikmin 3 (which is now a Wii U title). Still the consoles are nice to own, and the handhelds are amazing. I just wish Nintendo would publish as many excellent JRPG's for 3DS as they did for GBA. I miss the proper Golden Suns, and with the 3DS we finally recieved a proper Fire Emblem after nearly a decade.

Nintendo makes great games on both consoles and handhelds. I just wish they made more new IP's. On handhelds they introduce something new all the time, but for consoles.....they need fresh blood.

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