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outlawauron said:
Torillian said:
It was really nice timing to find out about one of those preexisting conditions. Really glad that I don't have to worry about going broke from my medical expenses which are probably going to be with me for the rest of my life. Not a chance in hell I could afford a 500 dollar shot every 2 weeks.

@Spurge, My understanding is that rates increase dramatically if you smoke, and some companies are considering doing the same for obesity.

The thing about these costs is that you would actually pay what they charge you. The difference between what is charged and what people pay is incredibly different.

Fair enough, I'm sure there's a mark-up because of insurance, but I don't think I'd be getting them for $2.50 each like I do on insurance if I got them at cost.  I don't know any monoclonal antibodies for research that are that cheap (and that's the only other circumstance in which I've ordered monoclonal antibodies) so I'd take a bet that they'd still cost me 100 bucks per shot even if I was getting the absolute fair price without insurance.


Thankfully the drug is still somewhat new so if I don't have insurance the company will actuallly give me the drug for cheap just so I don't become immune to it from not using it, but I presume that's not just out of the goodness of their hearts but in the hopes that I'll get on insurance soon and they can start charging what they were before.   
