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Conegamer said:
KingofTrolls said:
Conegamer said:
KingofTrolls said:
kowenicki said:
I still don't get this being a PS3 exclusive.... its borderline madness imo.

Why ? Tell us kowen, dont be shy. Lets discuss.

I'd imagine it's because of something like I said earlier in the thread:

"Come pay $400+ for our new system! But also, don't do that and buy GT6 for your PS3! Because it won't work on your shiny new PS4!"

It's just difficult to try and convince people to do both.

U forget Driveclub.
Listen dude, GT fans will buy GT6. All others will buy PS4. When The GT7 hit PS4, fans will moved and buy one for GT7.

Is it that hard ?

Yes, because GT is arguably (if not certainly) Sony's biggest series. If Nintendo were to release Super Mario Galaxy 3 (which isn't as much of a system seller) for Wii in the same week as the Wii U launched, but was unable to be played on the Wii U, we'd all be saying that's a ridiculous idea. It's the exact same issue here. And I can almost guarantee that some GT fans would be among those getting a PS4, but why drop $400+ when the biggest game from Sony in years, and for years, isn't even playable on the new system?

U wanna GT6 ? Do not sell ur PS3/ buy one.

U wanna DriveClub, Shadow Fall , 8 GB RAM etc - buy PS4.

We are making a circle.