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HappySqurriel said:
MikeB said:
HappySqurriel said:

MikeB, if one Cell processor can so greatly improve the rendering of a scene in game while at the same time running the rest of the game's code why did Sony abandon their multiple Cell-processor per PS3 (in stead of a GPU) so early on in the PS3's design?

By having a PC world like dedicated graphic chip the design is much more similar and it's far easier to port legacy code. Also the RSX has other strongpoints than a Cell, so that approach is more powerful for now. It's more useful to have a dentist and a doctor in a village than having only two dentists.

But they eliminated 2 CELL CPU's in favour of the RSX because the total package would be more powerful ...

This has nothing to do with ease of development because you could (and most likely would) create a software based OpenGL impelmentation which (for 95% of interaction with the GPU) would be identical regardless of whether you were using two Cell processors of the RSX.

We're rapidly approaching the 18 month point and the PS3 has yet to demonstrate anything dramatically better than the XBox 360 (and it is rapidly losing ground to the PC); don't you think it is about time that you accept the fact that the Cell's processing power is mainly a marketing gimick, and that you will never see the kind of improvements you have been preaching for all these months?

The Emotion Engine hype comes to mind...

The PS3 is a nice console, but just as with any console there's a lot of false hype and marketing mumbo-jumbo floating around with regards to its hardware capabilities.


@Kyros: I'm one! (but I'm not really complaining that 8800gt does a good enough job for 1080p's not as if 720p looks horrible or anything.)