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I know the sales are still going strong and I agree D/P was the best since the originals, but that was mainly due to the new characters felt more inspired then the ones in R/S/E or G/S/C, and the added Wi-fi support, I mean fans are now going to want Wi-Fi as a standard, and what would be the next big leap? Following the old pattern would be just add and add until sales start to go down, I'm a big fan I personally wouldn't want to see that as the pattern.

The dash and rescue team games aren't normal Pokemon games as in the idea behind a new one would still focus around catching pokemon and training them, not rescuing other pokemon or a race game that makes no sense, so I don't see how Dash and Rescue Team comes into the picture.

Even with sales up they need to make a change before it gets really stale, following the same formula of training, breeding, and catching, but everything else change dramatically as I said and it would be a good way to satisfy the Pokemon gamers while keeping the series fresh and more poeple wanting to get into it.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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