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JayWood2010 said:
pezus said:

" I don't really understand why PC gamers are like this and bash on consoles because in ways they rely on consoles.  They need consoles to advance in graphics for them to advance as well with many games."

You just answered yourself. The reason PC gamers bash consoles is exactly because consoles hold PC graphic back, until next gen comes around. And then the cycle continues

Yeah but I don't really see how anybody justifies bashing on something like this.  I don't know I dont really get it.  As imaginedvl stated earlier I don't really see the point in bashing any of the consoles or PC as it is opinion.  Even kinect/Move games are opinion.  I don't like motion controls but I know some people do so i don't bash on them.

You really don't see why? Let's try this another way. Imagine that you are preparing for a race, so you work out and become extremely fit. When the race comes, you find out that it's a tandem race and you are tied by a rope to another person. The person you get tied to is a fat old man who probably hasn't exercised in months. 

Despite the fact that you're physically fit and capable of running an extremely fast time, you are now physically held back from your full potential by the fat man you're tied to.
