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naznatips said:
That's fine, DFC may need to be taken with a grain of salt. They were just a quick source I grabbed. Still waiting on you to show that SupCom and UaW are being ported because of poor sales.

Chris Taylor: Piracy Made Us Do It

Robert "Apache" Howarth

Were you one of the weenies who pirated Supreme Commander? If so; people like you are forcing PC RTS developers to try their hands at making console games instead:

IGN: There are a lot of RTS games being brought over to the console this year. Do you ever see the RTS being as big on the console as it is now on the PC?

Chris Taylor: Well one of the key things that is really affecting the economics and the success of gaming in general is piracy on the PC. So one of the reasons we'll see RTSs on the console is because people can't pirate it. That's why we're going to see a lot more of everything on the console. When you look at the sales of really hardcore games like Crysis and you think, "Wow, those games should have sold a lot more," you realize that's probably due in large part to piracy. And you realize that a game like Crysis would have done its true numbers if it had launched on console first.

It's just a good business decision to have your game of any kind on a console where you can't pirate it. When you start to refine the control system and you start to take away the barrier of the control system and you start to make that a non-issue, just like we did with first-person shooters, and it becomes more about the game experience and less about the interface, you start to go to the platform where the economics of where the gaming base is.