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Let's see...

Love - 7 - It's good enough...
Hate - 3 - But it could be better.

Love - 3 - Has a few interesting games that I'd like to try...
Hate - 7 - But the failure rate is too high, not sure it's worth the price, and it's MS.

Love - 4 - I think the DLable games are more interesting than most of the disc based ones...
Hate - 6 - Still a bit pricey. Don't really need/want a Blu-ray drive.

Love - 1 - Uh, yeah...
Hate - 9 - They're evil.

Love - 3 - They're not the greatest brand...
Hate - 7 - And they have said a lot of stupid things lately.

Love - 7 - Great games...
Hate - 3 - Just not enough of them.

Numbers are like people. Torture them enough and you can get them to say anything you want.

VGChartz Resident Thread Killer