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ferret1603 said:
DMeisterJ said:
I think that the "z" is going to be the death of this site.
I don't think that anyone can take us seriously, with a site that is spelled with a "z". Any kind of name change, that's actually spelled right would increase our seriousness tenfold, but that "z" will keep us in the minor leagues.

The Z doesn't help but I think there are lots of more important factors.

1. The ads have started to get more professional lately but the smiley and "no joke, you've won an Audi" ads make the site look like a joke. Whatever revenue they're making is not worth the damage to the site's fragile reputation.

2. Too much data is missing. Until every current gen game is up to date the site has no chance of being taken seriously. In all honesty the back catalogue should be done too.

3. Shipped to retailer numbers need to be shown alongside sold to customer numbers. Trying to explain that VG Chartz tracks sold to customers just doesn't seem to be working.

4. The look of the site is very unprofessional. I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but when you line VG Chartz's front page up against sites like IGN, Gamespot, CVG, etc it just doesn't compare. 

First, I assume you'll be doing all of the massive amount of work that such updates would entail?  This site is a hobby site for Ioi and nothing more.  Any recognition it gets is nice and all, but he's got a day job and the last thing we want is for this great place to become a burden to him.

Second, running a website costs money and the money from the ads help make doing so affordable for ioi.  If he can't get anything better, we shouldn't complain.