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dharh said:
People are mad at EA cause they are making shit games left and right. The trail of EA is littered with the dead bodies of prior consumed game studios.

Also, no game developer that does not want to create new style games that use the gamepad gives a shit about the WiiU. Currently many studios want to make traditional games, which most would deem useless to attempt to make on the WiiU.

How many WiiU owners want to play Madden on the WiiU when it doesn't have any extras that use the gamepad? Next to none I'll bet.

Poor Madden support for gamepad, chalk one up for EA, right?

Sal.Paradise said:

Yes I do, money-wise. 

I don't think the cost of porting three whole games over for the ME trilogy on Wii U instead of just one would have been recompensed by the small increase in sales that would have resulted.

And as far as their sports titles having features missing on new hardware; they always do, and getting the game out earlier was probably a smarter thing to do sales-wise than delay it past holiday-season and miss out on the holiday sales rush. (it was released on Wii U late-Novemeber, correct?). 

Of course, the smarter decision on EA's part may have been to never release the above games and focus those resources somewhere else instead.

@bold. That's the key