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pezus said:
Added a link to an article and pics to the OP...

"Aided by her 'feeder' boyfriend Johan, Tammy's daily diet includes up to 30 doughnuts as well as stacks of pancakes and waffles.
The couple can spend up to £70 a day on takeaways and junk food to fuel Tammy's mammoth appetite.
Tammy said: 'I start the day with a huge breakfast of waffles, cream cheese, bacon and sausage then head to McDonalds for a few burgers in the afternoon.
'I can snack on cheese all day, a couple of blocks is no problem, then for dinner I'll either eat pizzas or make Mexican food.
'At the end of the day I make a weight gain shake from heavy whipped cream and a whole tub of ice cream, which Yohan feeds me through a funnel.
'The funnel forces me to drink the shake even when I'm full after a day of eating.'"
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WADAFAQ?! What kind of boyfriend would do that?   That is disgusting as fuck.  Just imagining the whole scenarios makes me wna to puke.