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@Oyvoyvoyv: I'm not sure if you read my post carefully. But if you did you would know that counting average accuracy requires counting accuracy for every 140 user (x15 inputs), so of course I won't do it.

I'm not sure if you understood what I have said (I actually had problem with understanding you also). You simply calculated a paramter that is not taken into account when calculating winnings from bets.
There is some relation between average accuracy in ioi' formula and what you counted but it may be far away.
I counted average accuracy it for 2 games but basing only on top 10 users (with the biggest bets). Results:
Assassins Creed: Altairs Chronicles: 10.6% (your number: 0%)
Culdcept Saga (X360): 32.2% (your number: 99%)
I think it would be similar if I counted all 140 users (I didn't chose those 10 users on purpose I just took 10 first on the list).
However I chose those games on purpose to show you have wrong you can be with your calcuations (it apperently didn't work with CS but worked perfectly with AC for which true accuracy is disastrus 33% contrary to your perfect 99%).