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That is of coarse presuming that the install base from that console has remained largely intact, and that is hardly any kind of certainty. Given how Nintendo treated the faithful last generation. I suspect that Nintendo disenfranchised many of them with their over the top casual antics. They were core gamers after all, and Nintendo neglected them pretty severely. Not only in not providing enough of the games they wanted, but in making their favorite games that much more casual. Often destroying the challenge that made them addictive in the first place.

These forums are a prime example. Not only are they rife with disillusioned defectors, but a large portion of the most vocal proponents of the platform simply melted away during the coarse of that generation. Nintendo basically just starved so many of them out, and into abject apathy. There just isn't a lot of loud and proud Nintendo fans left these days. I know people don't want to hear this, and they are going to mock me for saying this, but Nintendo will be doing pretty damn well considering if they can manage to sell fifteen million consoles lifetime, and I am thinking it will be more like twelve million.