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outlawauron said:
forevercloud3000 said:
Ok so I just had to face my first Gemini, dual Jack o Lanterns. I spent 20mins on this fight, mostly reviving my useless teammates. I literally had like a single hitpoint left from continuously reviving them. I killed one and had the last one on the ropes. I go in for the kill when the damn thing explodes with some kind of poison. He dies and I am Sacrificing him.......when the poison kills me and my last remaining partner -_-......

ai companions do more harm than good in Avalon quests.

in a  few of them I have taken them out completely and solo'ed it. I hate when they keep using explosive maneuvers when I am trying to get attack or counter :/.

I did learn a neat trick tho. If I want them to get the F out of my way, I just whistle which makes them come to me asap, then I go and do my business. It still feels like some of them time to do a explosive just as I am going in for the counter.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)