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Earlier, we reported the the Frostbite 3 engine isn’t going to be ported to the Wii U. Johan Andersson had tweeted that they ran some tests with Frostbite 2 and had several problems, which in turn pushed them to decide on not supporting the Wii U for the next version of their engine. Thanks to a Frostbite 3 presentation, we now know the Wii U will be missing out on at least 15 games that are being developed running on the Frostbite 3 engine.

So far, here are the known games currently being developed:

  1. Battlefield 4
  2. Dragon Age 3
  3. Mass Effect 4
  4. Need For Speed 2013
  5. Visceral’s New IP
  6. Army of Two: The Devil’s Cartel
  7. Plants Vs. Zombies TF2
  8. Command & Conquer
  9. BioWare’s New IP (possible)