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I was thinking about this and it occured to me that looking back on the games, they all seemed to be fresher and better quality then what they are today.  When you look at the first games of the series, red, blue, and green, you gotta think how these games were really out there in quality at the time, you had 151 unique characters, all with their own pictures and cry when going into battle, which was not seen back then on the GB, with the small restrictive cartrages and hardware, then you add in a good bit of text and a expansive world, and animations for each move, it all adds up to push the bounds of the games on the GB platform.

Today the game just seems to add more features, characters, and moves.  You can have whole teams of nothing but the legendary Pokemon, not much stratagy there just get the strongest characters in the game with the most powerful and balanced moves and you're set to battle everyone else who has the same idea.  Then you get on the topic of how is this game pushing the DS hardware, then you see games like the FF:CC, FF3, and FF4, all of which have expanded story lines, huge 3D worlds, FF3 has a huge combination of classes to choose from, and it makes you wonder why Pokemon didn't push the system as much, having a fully 3D looking world would seem quite nicer then the 2D/3D one we got in the DS version.  I personally love the Pokemon series and hope it continues for a while but I'm just worried about the series going down the wrong path, I don't know many people that wouldn't trade off amount characters to have more stratagy for battling friends, or wouldn't like to have a 3D pokemon world.

My thoughts for the future of the Pokemon series is to take it in a whole new path all together, I would love to see the next game go back to the very few ledgends and maybe 150 to 200 pokemon and a 3D world, then I thought about how that would work, personally I came up with the idea of putting it into the future, ages after the other games, this world would have fewer pokemon just as Kabuto and the rest of the fossils went extinct so would about 200 or more from the last game, how to make sense of it all is evolution, the game is all about evolving, so the survival of the fittest, the strongest characters survived the rest went away (sorry Jigglypuff).  I thought about how it should be, since all the pokemon evolved to survive the ones that stuck around their final forms would actually become their first, then from there they would evolve to stage 2 and 3 which would be new looks for the old characters.  The final way I see it is some pokemon from past games fused together in effort to survive, so you breed one old pokemon (most likely one with only one stage of evolution) with a totally different one to get a fusion of the two races and types to make a stronger pokemon.  I think it would add a new sense to the game and make things as fresh and balanced as they were in the old days.

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

Wii Friend Code - 5882 9717 7391 0918 (PM me if you add me), PSN - MaxwellGT2000, XBL - BlkKniteCecil, MaxwellGT2000