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damkira said:

The 360 is doing very poorly in Japan considering the efforts in its promotion that Microsoft has put there. I don't see why they don't give up in Japan and focus on the other territories because they have been behind in Europe for a while and are third place in North America right now. Something needs to be done very soon, and if 360 were to be competitive in the Japanese market, it would have been already.


 I can tell you why they don't give up on Japan. It would be a stupid decision. Even if you are faltering in a market you never concede it to your competitor. Sometimes a company does things to hurt their competitors. If the exclusives and time exclusives that were hitting the 360 hit the PS3 instead, I can guarantee you that the PS3 would be doing better in Japan than it is now. Not only that when you concede a market, you competitors don't have to spend money defending that market. It gives them more capital to focus on the markets that you are succeeding in.