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I think BioShock is (besides GTAIV) the most overrated game of this generation.

The game received heavy praise for it's story, and yet I couldn't even be compelled to finish the game. In fact, I'm fairly certain I never got to the halfway point. If there's an interesting hook to be found in here somewhere, it's buried in so late in the game that I can't be asked to care. I played around 4-5 hours into it without ever learning what exactly my characters motivation is, and as a result, I had no drive to continue. The world most argue to be "atmospheric" is really just dark, and dead. You're forced down one corridor after another, all of which are virtually the same. The amazing city you see on your descent soon becomes nothing but a reminder that there was infinitely (see what I did there?) more potential to create something stunning, and artistic. If it wasn't for the occasional glimpse at water, this game might as well have been set on some retro space station or in an underground tunnel system.....wouldn't have made difference. I could forgive all this if it had really fun gameplay, but it doesn't. Average shooting mechanics supported by a few magic powers (most of which aren't as useful as the starting ability). The game is at it's strongest when builds tension, but for some inexplicable reason will usually stick to straight up firefights, and steady waves of enemies. Yawn.