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The_vagabond7 said:
I didn't like the interview one bit, it came off as very negative, and how do I say "douchey".

It's Like the guys at IGN were just asking "why didn't you include this? why is this all? Wouldn't you like to put more in it? Why weren't there more third parties? Why no leader boards? Why are we so dissapointed in this game? Why are we such dickheads that lack appreciation for a great directors work?"

 Most of the things he asked came from the questions the IGN insiders and community have asked him constantly, so in short the community is a bunch of douchebags, to get the douchebags off his back he got the answers from the source himself Sakurai.  A lot of people did want those questions answered, he didn't have much time to ask so instead of the nice questions it was more straight to the point so, yes a bit more "douchey"

MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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