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stof said:

Huh. Lets see

Game name - my bet - actual - %ish

Turok 360 - 100K - 82K - 78%

Turok Ps3 - 45K - 44K - 98%

DMC 4 ps3 - 100K - 195K - 52 % 
DMC 4 360 - 150K - 337K - 45 % 
AC:AC - 19K - 23K - 83 %
Culdcept saga - 30K -20K - 25 ish % 
SMG - 74K - 72K - 98% 
GHIII Ps2 - 73K - 64k - 86 %
BP 360 - 50K - 50K - 100 % 
BP ps3 - 28K - 28K - 100%
DS - 153K - 153k - 100%
Wii - 138K - 216K - 64 % 
X360 - 99K - 86K - 85%
Ps3- 61K - 74K - 83 % 
PSP- 65K 59K - 90%


Wow. Aside from DMC and Culdcept, the Wii spike was really the only thing that threw me. Damn I feel good about this one. 

I'm just gonna copy your numbers next round....

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)