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madskillz said:
To the posters talking about downloading and its drawbacks. Think about this - memory is dirt cheap these days. I can remember when my day bought an AST PC for $1,500 - it was 150mhz with a 2gb HD and I think 32mb of RAM. LOL - my Palm celly has more power!

Technology brings small devices. You can walk around with enough memory to power old networks - in the palm of your hand.

Broadband is here and will only get faster - for cheaper. I can remember downloading a song off the old Napster on dialup - I had to leave the phone line tied up overnight. For a 4mb song! Now? I can download a song like within seconds. Sure, HD movies will get bigger, but so will our hard drive space. Years ago, a TB was a dream. Now, I am waiting for a 100 TB hard drive. And our media to record gets bigger and bigger as well. Folks were gasping once at floppies - now, we can have gigs on our keychain.

The big thing to consider - paid vs. free. And honestly, free will win everytime ...

 you are missing the fact that as broadband speeds and computer hardware gets better the general quality of audio and video will increase dragging file size up. Truly I download files of FileFront at 1.3MBs but if I'm downloading a high-quality ogg formatted movie that ends up with a file size of over 4GBs that download will still take forever. Think aboutVista killed off the general resolution of 640 by 480 for PCs and with the transfer to digital 480p TV will slowly die. 

Even if we had 50MBs connection speed there will be new levels of quality in audio and video that will double or triple the file sizes. Storage space isn't the issue. It is the general fact that the ability to download the files at a good speed is a moving target.

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