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IGN had an interview with Sakurai asking him some questions about Brawl

Full article:

Major Points:

  • No downloadable characters, Sakurai doubts the Wii is able.
  • He dropped voice chat cause of various reasons.
  • He has no knowledge of a DS version of Smash.
  • He still has ideas for future Smash Bros games.

My take:

It's understandable that he dropped voice chat once he explained himself, love or hate it he's got good points about being bothered online with stupid people insulting you, and he does say just use skype if you want to have Voice chat that badly.

Sad news on the hopes of DLC of characters and official stages, nothing is unlocked by playing online, and nothing can be downloaded character wise, and even stages couldn't be done, he said it's a disc based system so sad news for DLC hopefuls including myself.


MaxwellGT2000 - "Does the amount of times you beat it count towards how hardcore you are?"

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