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I'll estimate the average then...

Turok 360 - 61- 82K - 74%
Turok Ps3 - 31- 44K - 70%
DMC 4 ps3 - 94- 195K - 48%
DMC 4 360 - 132- 337K - 39%
AC:AC - 56- 23K - 0%
Culdcept saga - 21-20K - 99%
SMG - 62- 72K - 86 %
GHIII Ps2 - 51- 64k - 80 %
BP 360 - 37- 50K - 34 %
BP ps3 - 21- 28K - 75 %
DS - 127- 153k - 83 %
Wii - 112- 216K - 51 %
X360 - 77- 86K - 90 %
Ps3- 51- 74K - 68 %
PSP- 58 - 59K - 98%

Estimated overall: 66.3 %

That means you perhaps lost 150-250 then. if I am correct (which I wouldn't assume)
This analyzis is also flawed, because people didn't bet the excact same as each other.

That is VGChartz LONGEST review. And it's NOT Cute Kitten DS