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To the posters talking about downloading and its drawbacks. Think about this - memory is dirt cheap these days. I can remember when my day bought an AST PC for $1,500 - it was 150mhz with a 2gb HD and I think 32mb of RAM. LOL - my Palm celly has more power!

Technology brings small devices. You can walk around with enough memory to power old networks - in the palm of your hand.

Broadband is here and will only get faster - for cheaper. I can remember downloading a song off the old Napster on dialup - I had to leave the phone line tied up overnight. For a 4mb song! Now? I can download a song like within seconds. Sure, HD movies will get bigger, but so will our hard drive space. Years ago, a TB was a dream. Now, I am waiting for a 100 TB hard drive. And our media to record gets bigger and bigger as well. Folks were gasping once at floppies - now, we can have gigs on our keychain.

The big thing to consider - paid vs. free. And honestly, free will win everytime ...