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Johnny Depp - Brilliant actor although I kind of hated Captain Jack Sparrow by the third movie.

Clint Eastwood - Very good actor, I wish he would have been in even more Westerns.

Harrison Ford - One of the best drama actors around, I can't think of any of his performances that I didn't like.

Tom Hanks - One of the greatest actors of all times but I think I'm getting burned out on him.

Robin Williams - Amazing actor, he gives very good performaces in both his comedies and dramas.

Will Smith - His movies are hit or miss but he usually gives a very solid performance.

Robert De Niro, Al Pacino, Jack Nicholson, Dustin Hoffman - All great actors but they're so iconic now that it's hard to watch them without seeing the star instead of the role they're playing.  Some of the others on my list are starting to get that way as well.