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The Fury said:
I believe there are still hoards of PS2 owners, not having bought a console from this gen yet, waiting for the right game to come along before they buy their next console. That being the next Final Fantasy.

Weeks prior to the release the PS3 might have a huge spike in sales. 22 million PS2s sold and only just under 8 million already bought a new console. There are alot of PS2 users still to take the step. FFXIII could be it.

there will not be a console to reach 22 million this gen. The PS2 had a high failure rate compared to Wii and PS3, and most people who bought the original PS2 upgrade to the slim. Not saying PS3 won't get a slim, but I think the amount of people with the PS3 needing to upgrade will be smaller. It would not suprise me if the PS2's actual userbase was closer to 14-16 million. Most of the PS2 selling now are people replacing older systems.

psn- tokila

add me, the more the merrier.