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naznatips said:
Girl Gamer Elite said:
I simply just hoped popular and appropriate characters like Midna and Krystal included, there is no reason either couldn't have made the grade. Also since they said there was room for a third 3rd party character most of us assumed there would be one.

Dissapointed or not, Everyone in this thread expected a larger roster, stop kidding yourselves. I'm not that bothered by it, nor should anyone else, but to say I was unphased by it would have just been a lie. Honestly I'm bothered more by Wolf's Final Smash than the roster, but even then that's not a big deal what-so-ever.

I don't appreciate the fact everyone here assumes my comment on the issue means I had wide eyed expectations of everything from Sephiroth to George W. Bush being in this game. I may make fantasy roster threads, but that's more food for thought and something to do in the mean time until this game comes out.

Okay, there are 39 characters selectable from the menu of this game, compared to 26 from Melee, and 12 from 64. The increase in roster size was larger when you consider that there were 5 worthless characters from Melee removed, making a total increase of 18 characters.  Not only that, but the quality of increase was much better.

We got completely unique characters like Olimar who are far too strange to have ever made it in Melee or 64 were most characters were largely derivative. And yes, I actually predicted 35-40 characters, and we got 35 character icons and 39 characters with different movesets. So no, I'm not kidding anyone, I'm just not ignorant of the Smash franchise like you are.

Nazna would you stop crying already. I'm not attacking the Roster, I'm just saying I and many others were expecting more characters. I am familiar with Smash, I own and have completed both of the first two in their entirety.

Stop attacking anyone who says they were expecting more. Everyone had high hopes for the roster's final number so its only natural people would be somewhat offset by the final number, but no one is attacking the roster as it stands or is saying it sucks. Get off your soap box and put down the pitch fork. You're making a fuss over something that doesn't warrent this drama. People have the right to say, "Well I was expecting more but this is perfectly fine..." Without being attacked by individuals like yourself who can't stand the implied criticism of such a game no matter how benign. People aren't dissing this game, people aren't being ignorant, people here are merely sharing their expectations for the game that whether met or not don't necessaraly reflect negatively on their opinion of the game.

You're just being elitist in trying to assert that your satisfaction with the roster as not only the standard but what should have been expected and if they didn't, well then they're obviously ignorant of Smash Bros. and not True Fans. When Character's like Wolf are included, there is no ground to claim we were naive to expect Krystal. When Character's like Diddy Kong are included, there is no ground to claim we were naive to expect Midna. When Character's like R.O.B. the robot are included, there is no ground to claim we were naive to expect Captain N. When Character's like Kid Icarus are included, there is no ground to claim we were naive to expect Mach Rider. When Character's like Snake and Sonic are included and the possibility of a third 3rd party character is mentioned, there is no ground to claim we were naive for expecting Megaman.

While there are endless individuals out there with asinine hopes and unrealistic predictions for characters in this game (just search google images for "brawl roster") its not justified for you to lump anyone with the slightest reservation of the Roster as it stands into that same group and hold us all in the same contempt.