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Kyros said:
"The AI isn't sufficient for it. "

lol, 10 years ago when games had the computational power of toasters there were games called Real-Time-Strategy that had hundreds of enemies on the screen at the same time, reacting to each other. So no the AI is not a problem. Dozens of bots in UT or Quake3 have not been a problem either. Of course you CAN write AI that has problems but flat statements do not apply

There is a bit of a difference between dozens and a hundred, wouldn't you agree?

Also a bit of a difference between a strategy game and a third person shooter?

Perhaps my statement was a little blunt. I was merely pointing out that people shouldn't get their hopes up about fighting 100 locust at once, in-game. Is was my understanding that developers are not at present capable of writing an 'AI script?' for 100 seperate enemies that will work well, and within the boundaries of realism, for a game like this.

So AI is not a problem but writing the AI is? Is that your point?

Conceivably there could be a scene where you shoot locust as they run past, (like in the video) with a turret, but definetly not a huge shootout with 100 standing locust.