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I just finished watching 42 story of Jackie Robinson the first black person to play in major baseball league .

It just happen this is the same thing, one of the scene was marvellous, a father talk to is kid about is brother who was on the Jackie Robinson team.

and jackie enter the field and everyone was yelling N***** Boo* etc. The kid looked around people screaming. He didn't know what was happening and he started screaming N*****.

the scene was really strong.

and then is brother start speaking to Jackie and give him a bro hug just to let know everyone who know him who he really was.

and the kid just stop yelling, knowing it was wrong.

the Bible changed its mind about black people in 1978, 2013 or 2014 should be a great year to change is stupid mind about gay people.

or you'll be really s****