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6 ft 190 morbidley obese lol whats that make you anorexic?
my only blast is your a self righteous ass you have too much time to post you have no games or systems in your profile and you should have more of a life then a old fat guy who works 6 days a week and in his spare time plays games!

I was intrested like you in video game sales and nexgen wars I actually have the cash to own all 3 systems! being a chef probably doenst pay enough to buy games Iam sorry about that!

but if I could kick your ass at halo or Cod4 on PS3 OR 360 it wouldnt matter that your a noob that got teabagged.

See I dont think your a gamer Ya I played robotron in 80's and got nes and stuck with it but how many game reveiwers are 16 and just got thier first system! its OK to be into games IF your young????

So just cause I dont post here every week or 9 times a day like you dosent mean I dont visit regually PS I actually have been here longer then you.

and like I said me and my 13 year old son both have 360 and we play online!
tell me you wish your dad didnt hang out with you and play all the latest gear!

And Iam a nerd! Ya Iam a techie If its broke I can fix it and If Iam fat its cause of tommy chilly burgers the greatest hamburger stands in the world!

Can you even get those down under! or even in and out for that matter.

like I tell everybody its bought and paid for!

Just stop with the I wont comment he hasnt posted 9 million times blast its not an argument its grandstanding that you think your better!