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disolitude said:
I agree. But this is where Wii comes have fun for 30 minutes and then go back to your hardcore gaming on the 360.

It's all about the human emotion of jealousy. When we assign numerical values to consoles, it's like rating them. When your losing, you have a tendancy to want to find fault and misinterruperatation in the winner.


That's why so many people hate the Wii. The Wii is a multiplat hate machine.  Jealousy. You might not realize your jealous, but every time you talk about a system you dislike for no other reason than to talk negatively about it, especially with no goading, and it makes you feel good, your fighting that jealousy.


The Wii has what you want amongst all else. The top spot.


When your jealous, you no longer care about your own opinion. You no longer care about "having fun with games" you only want your system to be regcognized as number one and other systems to be spat upon.


You attempt to justify this with Wii Bingo broad generalizations that are meant to hurt and seem like they came from the mind of a 2 year old, because 2 year old minds, hurt the most. You try to "trick" imaginary people into not buying the Wii when you post on the forums, especially undecided idiots or kids who post "which system should I buy." There is no one dumber than an undecided poster, except someone who has to come on a message board to ask which system to buy, in lue of their own research and knowledge.


Of course, like the PS2, eventually, most people will have a Wii, and when you've got such a huge fanbase, there will be detractors(most nintendo fanboy sony haters, still secretly had a PS2 last gen).


They will never come to the stark realization that nothing they do can change the least little thing, and most Wii owners, and especially Nintendo itself, is far above petty, pointless insults.


That's why.



I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.