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g911turbo said:

Have not heard / read that the Wii U is more difficult to develop for than the Wii.  Seems like BS to me, but would love to see a source.


Yes the Wii U was not as "cheap" as the Wii.  Agreed.  But, their BOM cost is most likely in a better position for a 50 dollar or more price cut.  That's an assumption, I admit.


Wow factor, remains to be seen.  Who DOES have wow factor this time around?

Mid 2012 article... so no Nexbox/PS4 comparision... the comparison was with PS3/360 and Wii.

"The ease of use compared to other consoles is assuredly attractive, too. By comparison, 63% of developers who spoke to IGN said the Wii U would be the most challenging platform to develop for. One creator went as far as saying, “we won’t be working on Wii U due to these complexities,” while another lamented the difficulty of moving innovative games unique to Wii U to other platforms. This poses the question: Will Nintendo once again need to rely primarily on first-party games to propel platform success? At any rate, the Wii U’s 2012 release window gives it a distinct advantage: time."

The Wii U is expensive due the Pad... Nintendo lost money with each Wii U unit sold... the Wii was so cheaper that even after price cut the Nintendo never lost money with unit sold. Nintendo can't make a Wii U price cut soon because this issue but I expect something close to Nextbox/PS4 release.

Well Wii sold better over PS3/360 because the WOW factor... after that it started to sell less and there are today a real chance to finish this gen in second place after the fastest launch ever... that's a issue because WOW factor didn't sustain a console for years... the hype just happened in the first three/four years... after that or the console have enough power to stay some more years in the market or you need to release a new console.

The Wii U didn't have neither WOW factor or power to mantain good sales in the first years... that's my point for now... I can't see a BOOM in the Wii U sales in the future because it have no attractives for now... new games like Mario, Zelda (well Zelda is not a hardware mover), etc will give momentaneos boost in sales like happened with GC but nothing like Wii.

I think Wii U will finish like GC in third place  in this next gen... PS4/Nextbox will top it in less than two years after release.

PS. And that's just my opinion... feel free to disagree and share your opinion... there are a mod in Nintendo area that thinks I'm trolling Nintendo or Wii U... so I can be wrong at the end and Wii U became a success and you can show some good points that change my mind about it.