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S.T.A.G.E. said:
Machiavellian said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Unveiling your system two months after Sony with two weeks to spare before E3 shows that what Sony did got to Microsoft a bit. I am sure they made minor tweaks but Sonys offerings caught even haters off guard.

Doing the same thing you did when you released your last couple of consoles shows that you are confident on what you are doing and your product.  SInce MS did not change how they do business with this console compared to the 360, there is no coorelation with your opinion.

Microsofts  changes never came from online, thats what they brought to gaming along with Halo. Sony showed them that he who has the third parties have the power to gain the most dedicated audience and then exclusives help you keep them. The buzz for Sony is pretty big right now and after Microsofts performance as a gaming entity, they've pretty much done the work for Sony next gen unless you're into FPS.


I am not getting what you are saying.  Are you saying the PS consumer base is the most dedicated because I find that hard to believe with the current situation that happen this gen.  Your comment makes me believe you feel that the Xbox brand is all about FPS but MS has 1 Main FPS, 1 Main fantasy RPG, 1 main racer, 1 main Third Person Shooter, 1 main dancing game, 1 main family type game.  

As for the buzz for the PS4 its not a generation make.  Why do people feel this is a sprint and not a marathon.  Its the execution of all the console makers strategy that will make the difference not the glow before a company actually release their product.  In the absents of Sony main competitor, this good will means nothing until we know the playing field of all competitors and that includes Nintendo.  This new gen does not end when Sony and MS release their product.  It will be a back and forward struggle as each tries to execute what they believe will be a winning strategy.  Right now, Sony has the upper hand in First party studios but until we see what MS has baking behind the scenes no one knows at this point who will come out swing the hardest come release.

Going back to the topic, the point is that Sony did not show anything that wasn't expected so there was no need for MS to change their strategy.